Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
We provide ABA Therapy in-home and at our centers.
What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), also known as ABA Therapy is a research based, scientific method that began with the work of B.F. Skinner. The science measures observable behavior. It looks at what occurs before a behavior (antecedent) and what happens after a behavior (consequence). In addition, the methods of ABA are applied by breaking down skills into simple steps and teaching each step-in succession. Skills are taught with the use of prompting to assist learning. A correct response is followed by positive reinforcement which increases the likelihood that a behavior or response will occur more often in the future. HHBS uses Errorless Learning to decrease frustration and make teaching and learning a fun activity.
ABA Therapy At myHHBS
We take a unique approach to help your child foster independence.
We are committed to utilizing the treatment modalities that are antecedent interventions, the natural environment, direct reinforcement and collaboration between families, caregivers and behavior analysts in order to provide the most effective interventions available and foster independence.